Inonge Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina says Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 has not died a natural death as insinuated by the opposition UPND.

Mrs Wina says the Bill 10 is alive and will be debated during this same sitting of Parliament as agreed by Members of Parliament from both the opposition and the ruling party.

She assured that the Bill is alive and will be debated accordingly despite it lapsing on 4th June 2020.

Mrs Wina was responding to Lufwanyama Member of Parliament Leonard Fungulwe who wanted to know whether government will consider taking Bill 10 back to the stakeholders particularly the three Church Mother Bodies now that it is dead.

She has advised the opposition to desist from politicizing important matters such as the Constitution amendment process.

Minister of Justice Given Lubinda on Thursday deferred the tabling of Bill 10 of 2019 in parliament for second reading to a later date to accommodate the views of the opposition.

The Bill will however be considered on a later date during this meeting of the house, the Minister said conceding to a suggestion by Leader of the opposition Jack Mwiimbu in a meeting convened by the House Business Committee to hive off Bill 10 from the order paper until there is some semblance of normalcy in the system.

Presenting a Ministerial statement in Parliament, Mr Lubinda said he has been persuaded not to give the opposition another reason for them to claim that their concerns were not heard.

He expressed hope that all MPs will acclimatize themselves to the new normal parliament environment before they engage in debating bill 10 to avoid any room for speculation and suspicion arising from handling the document.

Mr Lubinda said Government wants to avoid a situation where people claim they did not understand what was happening when they were debating or voting for Bill 10.


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