Bobi Wine, Besigye blocked ahead of protests in Uganda


Ugandan security forces have blockaded the homes of prominent opposition politicians, ahead of a planned protest in the capital, Kampala.

Both veteran opposition leader Kizza Besigye and Bobi Wine, a former pop star whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi, say that security forces are surrounding their homes and preventing them from leaving.

“The cowardly military and police have surrounded our home and put us under house arrest, but the protest is on,” Mr Kyagulanyi shared on X.

Mr Besigye also shared a post shortly after, with photos showing several security officers obstructing the entrance to his home.

“Barricaded at home by the cowards! No turning back; we deserve better,” he captioned the images.

The two government critics have asked Ugandans to go ahead with the planned protest on Thursday to demand the government to fix dilapidated roads.

Police have vowed to block the demonstrations, saying that protests organised by the politicians “have never been peaceful” and would disrupt a key summit under way in the capital.

Some 4,000 delegates are attending the 19th Non-Aligned Movement summit in Kampala.


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