booing of our Republican President is a clear indication that the masses are unhappy with the current state of affairs- Christian Coalition Zambia


Booing the President

The Christian Coalition Zambia is saddened by the recent booing of President Hakainde Hichilema the Republican President at Heroes Stadium, much as the Coalition condemn the behavior in strongest term we believe that it is a wakeup call to Government.

The booing of our Republican President is a clear indication that the masses are unhappy with the current state of affairs. The discontent is palpable, and Government must take heed.

As Christian Coalition, we are called to speak truth to those in Authority of power and stand with the vulnerable. The struggles of our people are not going unnoticed. Food security and affordable living are fundamental rights, and it is the responsibility of our leaders to ensure these basic needs are met.

We urge our President and Government to listen to the voices of the people and take concrete action to address the pressing issues of food security and affordability. We need policies that prioritize the well-being of all Zambians, not just a few.

Let us work together to build a nation where everyone has access to basic necessities like food and affordable living.
Let us pray for our leaders, that they may have wisdom and compassion to serve the people.
May God bless Zambia and guide us towards a brighter future for all.


  1. Even if one of you became the president, don’t think you can satisfy everyone, it is not possible. As Christians you are the people the country and it’s leaders are supposed to depend upon but most of you are even worse than none believers. You are the children in whom there is no faith, how do expect the nation to be okay when you don’t or have never prayed for it? Things don’t happen automatically, they are controlled by God and it’s us who have to tell him through prayer what we want him to do for us and bless our nation. When ordinary people are busy complaining and condemning the government, you Christians who are worth the name are supposed to be on your knees praying. If you can pray for the rains why can’t you pray for our economy also?

  2. What sort of Christians are these people that do not give the right advice to the people. If wr must respect chiefs what more the head of state?


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