Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo has met British High Commissioner to Zambia Nicholas Woolley and his Russian counterpart Azim Yarakhmedov separately in Lusaka.

The purpose of the interactions with the Diplomats was to share understanding on some key issues affecting Zambia and the globe.

The closed door meeting with Mr. Woolley centred on Zambia’s democracy, the rule of law and the fight against corruption.

Mr. Lusambo informed Mr. Woolley that the UPND government’s fight against corruption is not genuine as it is aimed at silencing President Hichilema’s perceived political opponents.

He accused Mr. Hichilema of targeting to silence by using the fight against corruption as a weapon.

Mr. Lusambo also stated that the UPND government is determined to undermine democracy by not respecting the principle of separation of power.

“What we have now is that the Executive wants to control the other arms of government. The Executive is making moves to control the Legislature and the Judiciary,” Mr. Lusambo said.

He added,” for now, the only messiah we have is the Judiciary, this is the inky institution remaining institution has not been infiltrated.”

And when meeting Mr. Azim Yarakhmedov, the Russian Ambassador, Mr. Lusambo discussed matters of mutual interest.

Mr. Lusambo thanked Russia for its strong support towards Zambia’s skills development programme by offering hundreds of scholarships to Zambian students.

He said Russia has proven over the years that it is an all weather friend to Zambia.

“We came here to interact with the Russians to get a better understanding of the Ukraine conflict. Our government voted to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly but we wanted to hear the source of the conflict.”

Mr. Lusambo said his interactions with the Ambassadors has been cordial and insightful.

“Zambia is not an island so we will continue interacting with Ambassadors accredited to Zambia to exchange views on key affairs. We will go and meet the US Embassy officials soon and other Ambassadors,” he said.


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