Brian Mundubile Suspended From Parliament For 30-days For Breach Of Parliamentary Privilege & Contempt Of The House

Brian Mundubile


…after the House through a public acclamation rejected his suspension..

Lusaka-Tuesday, 26th March 2024

The Speaker of the National Assembly has suspended former Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Hon. Brian Mundubile from Parliament for a period of 30 days.

This was after Members of Parliament, through public acclamation, earlier rejected the recommendations from the Committee on Privileges and Absences for Mundubile’s suspension.

Pambashe MP, Hon. Ronald Chitotela raised a Point of Order stating that the question of Mundubile’s suspension was resolved in his favour during the acclamation and there was no need to proceed to physical voting.

However, the Point of Order was rejected by the Deputy Speaker presiding.

First Deputy Speaker of the House, Malungo Chisangano, then proceeded and was forced to call for a division, a physical voting on the matter.

The electronic voting was later conducted, which resulted in 67 members of Parliament voting for Mundubile’s suspension, while 47 voted rejected and one MP abstained.

Mundubile has since been suspended for a period of 30 days!


  1. The behaviour of Mundubile is very barbaric as it truly exibits the true colours of Edger Lungu behaviour and his sarogates. It quiet shameful

  2. The conduct of the current crop of MPs is disgraceful to say the least. Never in the history of the house have we had such low calibre of MPs and this descent into confusion came with the PF.

    We saw how Mr. Lusambo and Ms. Kapata slapped and poured bottled water on Mr. Kambwili. Then the Lumezi MP used vulgar language and another lady MP spat on a journalist. Now we have the Chiengi MP shouting at the President that he is a liar and Mr. Mundubile being suspended.

    Something is terribly wrong with the way we, as voters, are choosing our representatives.

  3. The behavior was too emotional, pointing fingers at the speaker, I don’t know how many times. That’s unacceptable, people should have parliamentary manners in the house. That was too unruly for Hon Mundubile, if rules allow, next time he should be suspended for more than thirty days, Parliament should be respected, we don’t want big bold headedness in the house .

  4. Quite clearly Mr. Mundubile’s behaviour was unacceptable. Perhaps this suspension will help him reflect on his conduct in the House.

  5. Can you image this idiot wanting to a leader who cannot behave in an orderly and sober manner. The man was the leader of opposition ,former minister, a former government chief whip and an aspiring presidential candidate also a learned lawyer. What a shame. The fellow doesn’t even go to his constituency and the cdf is just go lying idle there. Just kick this ugly man from parliament. Natunaka nankwe.

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