
Two brothers who beat up a police officer at a police station in Ndola have appeared in court today and pleaded not guilty to assault on a police officer.

The two brothers, Mwenya Mulenga, aged 39, and his young brother Enock Mulenga, 33, were reported to the police by a businessman but while at the police station where they were summoned, they refused to be interviewed.

They then became violent and grabbed the police officer by the neck and started to beat him up when he tried to arrest them.

Last Friday, businessman Mr Naik Chipungu reported Mwenya and Enock to Ndeke Police Post for conduct likely to cause breach of peace, the allegations on which Constable Mushili Kwalombota, who was on duty at that particular time, tried to interview them, but the two brothers became violent.

When the officer decided to detain the two for the offence of conduct likely to breach peace, they grabbed him by the neck and started beating him up, only to be rescued by
neighborhood watch officials.

That was when the two brothers were detained.

And when the case came up before Ndola Resident Magistrate Changa Chitabo, the brother pleaded not guilty to the charge of assault on a Police officer and the matter was to July 31, 2020 for trial.


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