By Bowman Lusambo

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that our fresh faced female politician from Magoba in Kafue has gone rogue with tribal politics. To some, Buumba Malambo in 2016 represented the future of Zambian politics when she was elected as Councillor for Magoba Ward in Kafue aged only 25 at the time.

Squeaky clean, issue based and with a clear focus on serving the people. Images of a smiling Buumba winning international humanitarian awards across the world reinforced that hope in many Zambians. To those naive, Buumba was indeed a poster girl for all that Zambians desired to see in future politicians.

For us of us who are always aware, it was just a matter of time before Buumba uttered publicly what she harbours in her heart-That Tongas should vote for a Tonga President.

Born in Mufulira which is a highly cosmopolitan area where little or no tribalism is practiced, studied at UNZA but only got brainwashed into believing in tribal politics when she joined the UPND in 2015.

The brazen display of tribalism by Buumba should be condemned by all well-meaning Zambians. It is out rightly wrong, distasteful and out of touch with the season especially when the whole nation is mourning KK, a great unifier of all Zambian tribes.

For us, we cannot be surprised by such utterances for they represent the core foundation that the UPND rests upon. This is a party that is deep rooted in tribalism that its very existence and survival is anchored on peddling tribal narratives in the Zambian political space.

Does it surprise us that the UPND leadership has conveniently elected to ignore Buumba’s tribal speech which has been trending on social media? For almost a week now, there is no statement from the UPND on the issue. No that doesn’t surprise us at all. And we know that there will be no official from within the UPND echelons of power who will be bold enough to publicly rebuke Buumba because everybody knows that Buumba is simply going through a standard rite of passage for all UPND members.

She was recruited, she was initiated, she passed the test and she has now graduated from the Hichilema School of Tribal Politics.

Since Buumba is seeking to win the right to represent the people of Kafue as Mayor, she needs to be reminded that leadership has nothing to do with tribe. She further needs to learn that Kafue, just like her birth place Mufulira is a very cosmopolitan area and her tribal campaigns have no space in Kafue. She may stand a chance if she spewed the garbage she did in Bweengwa, Monze, the village where her mentor in tribal politics hails from.

Our call is to the Electoral Commission of Zambia to take an interest in Buumba’s utterances and take similar steps taken on other politicians by banning her from political campaigns.

At only 29, Buumba is a danger not only to herself but to the future of Zambian politics. She should henceforth be restricted and completely banned from the campaign circuit before she causes chaos with her unguided big mouth.


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