Hon. Munir Zulu writes:

If Jesus was hanged for standing up against human ills, who am I not to undergo persecution for standing up against the very human ills?

If they care to know, a UPND cadre Buumba Malambo’s vidoe footage promoting tribalism is everywhere. Why hasn’t she been arrested? Of course, all these persecution disguised in all manner of sick charges/allegations are not surprising.

Their proximity to my cause to fight corruption – to stand up for the people, the voiceless against evil – tells so much about the real reason why these little scared men are now behaving in this manner. If Munir Zulu decided today to keep quiet in the midst of wrongs, ills, he would be a free man.

He is not free and is probable for arrest on tribal charges , for merely wearing a garmet written ‘A Lumezi Villager Is Stronger’, because he is talking against ills of those with temporal power. These elements are capable of arresting young school going children for playing hide and seek, as long as they believe that such kids are against evil in belief and deeds.

I remain MZ


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