Mutale Nalumango

United Party for National Development, (UPND) leader, Hakainde Hichilema’s political stamina is on the test as calls to maintain party vice president, Mutale Nalumango as running mate intensifies.

Hichilema’s UPND Alliance, a bloc of various political parties recently joined forces with the Zambia We Want and public debate has been torn between who the leader of the largest opposition should run with.

The recent pact saw the joining of Felix Mutati’s Movement for Democratic Change, (MDC) and Zambia Shall Prosper under Lawyer, Kelvin Bwalya Fube – both seen among favourites for running mate.

However, UPND supporters have called on Hichilema to appoint Nalumango as running mate, citing her loyalty to the party.

THE UPND Alliance leader was scheduled to brief the nation Friday morning about the matter, amid indications that he has settled for Mutati, but it has been postponed citing focusing efforts on adoptions.

Meanwhile, MDC Media Director, Thabo Kawana told Byta FM News that his party has attached no conditions in joining the pact, but is focused on finding a lasting solution to the suffering of many Zambians.

Kawana, however, says his party is not in the alliance as an escort to the UPND and believes the Alliance Chairperson, Charles Milupi made it clear Hichilema’s running would come from other partners.

However, Milupi says the appointment of a running mate is Hichilema’s sole responsibility, like in any other alliance elsewhere.

He clarified that partners agree Hichilema will decide his running mate, but was reluctant to state whether this selection excludes the UPND. -Byta FM


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