CEO Of EDEN University Kelvin Kaunda donates his January salary, a ROSA to Lusaka’s Midland West SDA



…as he donates his January salary, a ROSA to Lusaka’s Midland West SDA

Lusaka, Sunday, November 19, 2023 (Smart Eagles)

Mr Kelvin Kaunda, a seasoned politician, a respectable elder in Seventh Day Adventist Church and a CEO at EDEN University has continued being a blessing to many.

His generocity recently extended to SDA Midland West where he pledged to make a contribution of his entire January salary, a K100,000 to the church and also pledged to donate a Rosa Bus for the choir to ensure that they carry out the work of the Lord effectively.

And speaking as a Guest of Honour the Zambia Conference 2023 Grand Investiture Ceremony on Saturday, Elder Kaunda encouraged members of the church to be hard working.

He also touched on the issue of leadership, stressing its importance.

“Even Daniel says in the last days, men and women will be busy here and there. In other words, he says they will run to end strong. We have agreed with my girlfriend, who is called after my name, that my January salary must be directed towards this noble cause. And so, my salary for January, which is K100,000…” he said.

“The chairperson for education, in his speech, did point out that the training was about the subject of leadership. And our church has done extremely well in raising leaders for the next generation. The subject of leadership is one that we cannot ignore. There is no subject where a lot of books have been written other than the subject of leadership. The training that you go through, as you have been guided, about improving the quality of leadership in you.”

He said churches and other entities have succeeded on the basis of leadership.

“Churches have succeeded on the basis of leadership. Companies have succeeded on the basis of leadership. Businesses have succeeded on the basis of leadership. Things fall and rise on the basis of leadership. We leave in times when the world is yearning for leaders who are going to develop the national instinct to do that which is right. We have a lot of leaders out there in the political space, in the business space. But some of them, or pretty much of them are corrupt. And you are the answer,” he said.

“If anyone must fail, it can never be you and it ought not to be you. Because you have been trained under a new curriculum. That is what you have been guided. You are the first students who have undergone this particular program. Permit me to read a short passage from the book of Second King Chapter six, and this is what the bible says. And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha that behold that the place where we dwell with thee is too small for us.”

He challenged the participants not to be comfortable with small things.

“The sons of the prophets who were students like you, one day, as they were having a conversation, they came to a point of realization that it is important that we rise this matter with the prophet Elisha,” he said.

“I pray you realise that the place you are at is too small, your education is too small, your house is too small, your car is too small, your bedroom is too small. As we get back to our private homes, I pray that this evening, the Lord will place upon our minds to realise that we have become too comfortable with small things. Leadership is not for the small minds. Christians must never be in the space where they entertain small things.”


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