CHAMA QUESTIONS HEARTLESS UPND LEADERSHIP …… ZNS is being used to export mealie meal when majority can’t even afford 1kg


CHAMA QUESTIONS HEARTLESS UPND LEADERSHIP … ZNS is being used to export mealie meal when majority can’t even afford 1kg

Former Defence minister Davies Chama has questioned the heartless and chaotic nature of the UPND leadership where a state security institution, ZNS, is now being used to export mealie meal meal, while ordinary citizens are grappling with the very high cost of the commodity.

And Defence force officials have questioned ZNS’s argument that the maize they are exporting is being imported from South Africa, wondering which “foolish business” in South Africa will not directly export the mealie meal when they are aware than another organisation in Zambia is buying their mealie meal for re-export at lucrative prices.

Speaking with Daily Revelation on the mealie meal ZNS is exporting despite having been brought in to ensure price stability and stem the chaotic shortages, Chama said he never experienced a situation where a security institution was involved in the trading of mealie meal with other countries.

He wondered what policy directive they are following, asking if that was a new policy in the UPND administration for a security agency to engage in trade.

“ZNS cannot be involved in importing mealie meal from South Africa and it’s not part of their mandate to engage in trade in terms of importing and exporting,” Chama said. “And if they are exporting the maize that is produced in Zambia which they are milling, that’s also very very unfortunate, considering the skyrocketing price of mealie meal…


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