Chamisa Casts Ballot, Says Victory Is Inevitable


The main opposition leader, the CCC leader Nelson Chamisa, has cast his vote at Kuwadzana East constituency Ward 44 in Harare and said victory was inevitable.

Chamisa said soon after voting:
“There is going to be a new Government in this country. There is going to be a new leader, the President. We are winning this election. We have won this election.
“They know it, that is why they are panicking, conniving with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and all these funny games. Funny games or no funny games, our victory is certain. We have won this election and we are going to continue insisting on peace and credible elections making sure that we have a legitimate outcome on this election,” he said.

The presiding officer at the polling station, Mr Willy Mate said 198 votes had been cast by midday, constituting 75 females and 125 males, while seven people were turned away because their names were not appearing on the voters’ roll.
The SADC Election Observer Mission Head, Dr Nevers Mumba, has complained about the delays in the voting process in most parts of Harare.


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