
The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has thanked Zimbabweans for voting for his party in the Saturday by-elections.

The party leader Nelson Chamisa said the by-election results indicated that all authority comes from the citizenry.

He speaks as results released by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) have revealed that his party prevailed in most constituencies and wards where elections were held.

He said:
This by-election has shown that ultimately all authority comes from the CITIZENS. Citizens are above politicians & their foolish politics. Why did you waste national resources taxpayers’ money? Would these resources not have been deployed to better our health, education sectors?

The by-elections were held to replace 28 members of Parliament (MPs) and 121 councillors who died and those who were recalled from office.

Most of the recalled were members of the MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa. They were recalled by rival MDC-T following a 2020 Supreme Court ruling which ruled that Chamisa was not the legitimate leader of the MDC that contested in the 2018 elections.

Chamisa saw the recalls as a strategy by the ruling ZANU PF to dismantle the opposition in the land. They accused MDC-T of acting at the instigation of the ruling party.

Following the Supreme Court ruling, the government gave funds under the Political Parties (Finance) Act to the MDC-T in proportion to the MDC Alliance vote of 2018.

The development has infuriated the Chamisa-led party, believing it should receive the money since Chamisa contested the 2018 elections, not Douglas Mwonzora.


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