Chibamba Kanyama

Chibamba Kanyama writes….

There has been significant bashing of ZNBC staff since yesterday and my day been interrupted by calls and texts from profesionals and executives protesting about what they consider to be ‘below par’ coverage of the passing away of our First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda. I have resisted saying anything except for the comment I made on Dickson Jere’s post, and that was when he tagged me to say something as former DG.

What I know is that ZNBC staff may equally be concerned about the level of coverage. This is because as far back as 2013, we started planning for this eventuality. We even contacted ANC in SA, through our embassy, to exchange KK footage that was in their possession.

We went further to rehearse how to cover the funeral of a high profile personality. When news reached us former SA President Nelson Mandela was unwell, we sent Luckson Nthani and Faith Kandaba to SA where they camped for weeks till the unfortunate happened. We also covered live the funeral of Mama Betty Kaunda all the way from the Cathedral to the burial site, cameras stationed all over to ensure we did not miss a shot.

We did the same for football commentator Dennis Liwewe, with the key objective of giving the nation a feel of a high profile funeral service so that they did not have to travel from any part of the country.

The ZNBC team is fully capable of performing to its best; actually beyond national expectations. I am sure the current challenge is being reviewed and you will see them come to full professionalism as days unfold. I know people are unhappy but I also ask that we give ZNBC staff our support. I cannot delve into issues that may not be necessary for me to talk about as a former DG.


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