By KFM Repoter

Residents of Chienge district in Luapula Province have threatened to take a bold step by walking naked on the streets to demand that the government expedite the construction of Kashikishi Lunchinda Road.

According to the residents, the road has been in a deplorable state for decades, causing them untold suffering and economic losses.

Speaking in a heated WhatsApp group voice chats, the residents said they have exhausted all possible channels to have the road fixed but all their efforts have been futile. A Mr. Musonda speaking in a recorded voice note said they are now left with no choice but to take drastic measures to press their demands.

“Our MP has begged the government countless times to fix this road, but it seems our cries have fallen on deaf ears. We are now ready to walk naked in protest, and we hope our message will finally reach those in authority,” the chief said.

The Kashikishi Lunchinda Road, which connects Chienge to other parts of the province, has become impassable, especially during the rainy season, making it difficult for farmers to transport their produce to markets.

The residents have called on the government to prioritize the construction of the road to ease their transportation woes and also boost economic activity in the area.

Efforts to reach the local MP for comment were unsuccessful as she was said to be unavailable.

Kalungwishi FM News


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