It is extremely difficult to accept the conviction of Kawambwa PF member of parliament Hon Nickson Chilangwa and Pambashe PF member of parliament Hon Ronald Chitotela for malicious damage to property and arson, respectively.

Long before their cases were concluded, voices were being heard saying it was just a matter of time, the duo were going to prison. These voices were coming from people within the UPND and State House in particular. So these convictions did not come as a surprise to many in this country. They were expected. It is clear these are part of the mingalatos and kufyanta, Mr Hakainde Hichilema and his minions at State House have been speaking about.

The issue of malicious damage to property has several times been committed by UPND cadres against us in many by elections. Our vehicles have been smashed by known UPND cadres, but none of them has been arrested and prosecuted for malicious damage to property in the way Hon Chilangwa and Hon Chitotela have been prosecuted and convicted. It would be difficult to convince anyone that these prosecutions and convictions have been carried out in a just and fair manner. There is nothing that appears to be a blind pursuit of justice here.

Hon Chilangwa and Hon Chitotela are simply victims of vengeance and retribution by those holding power today. If not, let them arrest those UPND cadres who maliciously damaged our vehicles in Kaumbwe in 2021, in Sokontwe and Gwembe, and more recently in Isoka. UPND cadres damaged our vehicles and destroyed our property with impunity. What type of justice is this?

However, they have not hidden their desire to get Hon Chilangwa and Hon Chitotela out of parliament and steal their parliamentary seats to boost their numbers in parliament. We know that their intent is to get the two-thirds majority in parliament and amend the constitution to prolong their stay in power. Mr Hichilema wants to change the Constitution to perpetuate his stay in office by removing the five-year presidential term limit and introduce a seven-year term as well as remove the 50% + 1 to revert to First Past the post electoral system to avoid a rerun, which he fears he can’t win.

But what they should know is that this country is not going to be a good place for them to live in corruptly amass wealth and enjoy themselves, unless it’s a good country for all of us to live in.

Recently, the Kawambwa magistrate court convicted and sentenced Hon Chilangwa to 60 months imprisonment for malicious damage to property. The court also convicted Hon Chitotela for arson. Hon Chitotela is awaiting sentencing.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Mr. M’meembe, grow up politically. It’s not the President but the law that convicted him for his wrong doing. Are you telling us that if you were President, wrong doers would not be prosecuted? Are you going to lead a lawless nation? But we know that you are just politicking.

  2. Ba Fred, don’t make people laugh which vengeance you know too well that the vehicle was set on fire and the matter was in court and possibly getting back to court through an appeal by the accused.You like accusing innocent people.The accused shall remain innocent until proven guilty.In this case they remain guilty because the court proved that.How ever they may appeal if they are not satisfied.Why didn’t you go as witness you give evidence in court than just shouting from the comfort of your home.If you knew that they were innocent you must have made an effort to defend them or sponsor a lawyer.Now that the court has convicted and jailed them that’s when you want to show sympathy no, you must start helping your friends when matters start either financially, legally or as witness if you were there on the material day.Pretence and shabby gentilism is not good sir.

  3. Dr. M’membe’s argument does not make sense at all. So if UPND thugs damaged SP vehicles and they have not been arrested, Mr. Chitotela and Mr. Chilangwa should also get away with their thuggery? Who would have arrested the duo during the reign of the “mighty” PF?

    Just keep tabs on those UPND thugs who damaged your vehicles. At the right time they will answer for their crime just like Mr. Chitotela and Mr. Chilangwa have been made to account for their misconduct.

    We must hold criminals to account no matter how long it takes. It is the only way of getting people to respect the rule of law, especially when they are in power. They must be made to realise that the law will catch up with them no matter how powerful they may be today.

  4. The question Mr. Mmembe should address is whether the allegations against the two are true or false.

    Given that they had an opportunity to be heard in a court of law and the court found them guilty, what did Mr. Mmembe expect?

  5. May I ask a question: who do you want to be arrested, a person who was not involved and you want leave out the victim just because they are politicians?
    Awe. If you committed a crime, you are a criminal. This sends a good message to savages who break the law with impunity.
    No one is above the law. Soon those who are in other scandalous activities yesterday, today and tomorrow will be imprisoned.
    GBM said if HH becomes president, most of us will be arrested because he knew that a lot of PF thugs are criminals.

  6. May I ask a question: who do you want to be arrested, a person who was not involved and you want leave out the victim just because they are politicians?
    Awe. If you committed a crime, you are a criminal. This sends a good message to savages who break the law with impunity.
    No one is above the law. Soon those who are in other scandalous activities yesterday, today and tomorrow will be imprisoned.
    GBM said if HH becomes president, most of us will be arrested because he knew that a lot of PF thugs are criminals. Ba Mmembe keep

  7. Mmembe’s logic or lack of it is truly baffling. what kind of a leader is this one who stands for lawlessness? We saw those guys openly burning down a motor vehicle. What would have been shocking for a normal person is if they were found ‘Not guilty’.

  8. Hired contributors at State house using different names but you IPA is the same. Look we all. Know what your small naked emperor is planning and using the captured and weaponised institutions, parliament Nelly is at the forefront. Judiciary cases allocated to judges from Zambezi region. ‘ ACC , DEC , police , Army, ZAF police and prisons commission. Teaching , IBC, all headed by people from Zambezi region. This is why no one listens to the chairmen or board directors . We know the plans and as such we are supremely excited by this trend as this is the all mark of what others will use in future

  9. Imwe, you don’t know that the man has a case of brandishing a gun serenje. If you think the man is ignorant of what awaits of him, you are mistaken. The man is damn scared. He should remember each day draweth nigh the day of reconing

  10. While the sentencing of Lukobo is a welcome deterrence measure, I still believe justice should be done fairly. What is being done about the demise of Mr Kungo in Solwezi? Otherwise the UPND will just be seeing to be addressing only selected cases more especially of their supporters

  11. Fred M’membe is a senseless and evil wicked person whose bitterness and jealous is making him to speak nonsense. Fred
    M’membe ‘s utterances are cheap politicking and he should stop promoting the wrong ideas. No one is above the law and all those people who are inciting people to raise against the government or to promote violence including careless tribal talk the arm of the law should visit them.

  12. Fred, let me tell you one thing. Most Zambians don’t like you because of your lies. Infact you are the father of political lies in Zambia since your days at the post where you never paid tax. You had a chance to propose leadership through young people who don’t know you well. Your socialist ideas are less known and not tolerated. You can use your skill of writing to raise and debate salient issues based on facts and not hate. Iwe maybe ulowa naku lowa. You are a very bad hearted person. Why should adults lie, insult and misbehave in public for political expedience? You and your other colleagues are both the reason and sign that it will take time for Zambia to develop in it’s real since. You will not ascend to power through your lies and crookedness. If you amassed a lot of money at the post just put up, shut the F up and enjoy the money. Reconcile with Winter as well. We are aware of what was said about you. You are a very irritating man Fred. I don’t even know how your children look at you, that is if you even have any.Let me end here. Otherwise I can sin.

  13. Boss Mmeembe, I think the baseline here is, “was the case committed”? if it was then they deserve the punishment, if it was not committed then the courts will not jail them. Here I think as Zambians we should look at the greater good of the situation. If we allow barbarism of the nature that existed in the PF regime, we are going to lose our country, and no one will be safe. the punishment is justified and will work as a deterrent to future arsonists. Imagine our own children were aspiring to become cadres! what kind of country would we have had today if PF won the elections?. So when cases of this nature take place, let us look at the wider picture.


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