… this is after absconding three court sessions in the Kawambwa subordinate court.
The Kawambwa subordinate court has issued a bench warrant against Kawambwa central member of parliament Hon. Nickson Chilangwa for absconding three court sessions.

This is in a case in which Hon. Chitotela, Hon. Chilangwa, Kawambwa Mayor Chifumbe Kalumba, Kunda Chitotela, Chabu Chitotela, Davy Kaniki and Charity Chibwe Musanto have been charged with one count of arson, threatening violence, malicious damage to property and four counts of assault.

Magistrate Martin Namushi sitting in the Kawambwa subordinate court this morning issued the warrant and ordered that Hon.Chilangwa should appear before the court on friday the 26 May 2023 at 09:00hrs.

This was after the surety for Hon. Chilangwa informed the court that he had filed a notice of adjournment to 26th June 2023 as the Kawambwa central lawmaker was attending a court session in the Lusaka High court.

However, Magistrate Namushi declined to adjourn the matter to 26th June 2023 saying the date for the court sittings were agreed upon by all the concerned parties.

He argued that Hon. Chilangwa on 10th April, 2023 failed to appear before the court because he was unwell thereby adjoining the case to 22nd may 2023.

Mr. Namushi explained that on Monday 22nd May 2023 , the accused person again failed to appear before the court because he was attending to another matter before the Lusaka High court, thereby adjourning the matter to today.
Mr. Namushi further argued that today Hon. Chilangwa could not appear before the court as the notice filed in the court indicated that he will be appearing before the Lusaka high court at 14hrs.

He said he was left with no option but to issue a bench warrant against Hon. Chilangwa so that he could appear before the court on Friday.
Mr. Namushi indicated that if the notice of adjournment was within the same days agreed by all parties, he would have graciously granted the adjournment.
Trial continues on Friday 26th May 2023.


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