Chinese Police detain married woman for defrauding 13 boyfriends

CHINESE Police have arrested a married woman for defrauding her 13 boyfriends.

Lu Yanyan from Henan province went viral after news reports of her dating 13 boyfriends at the same time went online.

Ordinarily, dating 13 boyfriends at the same time would not make a national news, but she defrauded her “romantic partners” about 400,000 RMB.

Her “boyfriends” Upon discovering that she was involved with many men, they formed a group chat named “Nanyou”, a play-on-word on the sound of the Chinese word for “boyfriend,” well, in this case it implied “friends who went into hardship” — perhaps and rightly on this context, together.

The said “boyfriends” formed a group chat and arranged a time to meet so they could go to her home where they were met with a surprise of their lifetime.

It turned out Lu Yanyan was not single, but she was married and had a child.

“She looks fresh and very beautiful, who would have thought that she is a liar, not to mention that she can be so good at lying. From the police station, we learned that she was not only married, but also has a child.” One of the “boyfriends” said.

One of the victims, Mr. Zhang, said that after learning the truth, he felt a pitty that she did not pursue an acting career.

He added that Lu portrayed herself as a very soft-spoken, broken and sad woman in front of him. He added that she could make any man feel sorry for her, fall in love and willing to help her.

“I’ve never seen someone so ruthless before, I can only imagine the bad people on TV that can match her personality. I am gnashing my teeth just to think of her right now.” Said Zhang.

According to Zhang, he met Lu Yanyan on a blind date and they fell in love. Lu later borrowed from him 20,000 yuan saying that if he love her he will be willing to borrow her that much.

But he soon found that he was cheated and him with other men connected to her formed a group chat which they called “Nanyou” to track her down. In it, there were 13 men who were cheated a total of 400,000 yuan by Lu Yanyan.

Lu Yanyan was reported to the authorities and is now detained by the police for proven fraud cases involving two of her “boyfriends.” The case is still under further investigation.

Still, netizens can’t get enought of the story, thinking that she must be so beautiful and good at acting to scam all these men and maintain the relationship with multiple boyfriends at the same time.

Credit: Chinese Media


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