A female teacher in Chipata this morning wept uncontrollable on after she sent K2,400 to a crook thinking it was her young brother at CBU.

According to reports, Josphine Mbewe was scheduled to send money to her young brother at CBU when she received a text message informing her that the number she wanted to send in was not working and that she should sent the money in the alternative number given.

Without calling to confirm from him, Madam Mbewe quickly sent K2,400 to the airtel number and realized later that the number actually belonged to a crook, this was after her brother told her she never sent him any text message and that he was still waiting for the money. But when Ms Mbewe tried to call the number, she discovered that it was switched off and further investigations revealed the number belonged to a group of crooks in Lusaka who are believed to be working together with people from MTN and AIRTEL who are availing them with the phone numbers of people who are fond of sending money to friends and relatives. The sad part is that Ms Mbewe just borrowed the money promising to pay back once salaries are in this week.

This is sad!! Please be aware of this, dont be the next victim. More than 5,000 people from across Zambia are thought to have been tricked by these fools since the criminal program started 4 years ago. People are losing money everyday to these criminals. So sad to Ms Mbewe.


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