Chitimukulu & Politics

By Malama Katulwende

I am getting very concerned that Mwina Lubemba, His Highness the Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of Bemba speaking people, is becoming embroidered in petty politics.

In yesterday’s Daily Nation, I read an alarming headline, which declared that a named opposition political party has plans to dethrone him. I think this is ridiculous.

In November, 2013 the ruling Patriotic Front under the late President Michael C. Sata, and Home Affairs Minister, the incumbent President Edgar Chagwa Lungu sent 500 police officers to Mungwi, Kasama, to prevent the installation of Mr. Sosala as Chief Chitimukulu. The Patriotic Front (PF) and Government officially did not want Sosala to become the paramount chief of the Bemba.

Interestingly, it were opposition leaders and people of Southern province, who supported Mr. Sosala, by condemning President Sata for undermining the chief. The members of the Patriotic Front – all of them, including most Bemba speaking people, were quiet and subdued. So how can it be that opposition political members, who fought Sata in supoort of Sosala, would plot to dethrone Chitimukulu? And now – the Patriotic Front are darlings of the chief?

Country men and women, the recent “dethroning” events have happened on the backdrop of a sustained campaign to banish a named political party and leader, from visiting Muchinga, Luapula, Northern and Copperbelt provinces, actions which are totally unconstitutional and unjust.

As a human being, a Zambian, and a reasonable person, I will not support acts of injustice and persecution against some Zambians who want to exercise their civic rights in the political space.

This is not the Zambia which we must build. I think we should all embrace inclusiveness, distributive justice, the rule of law and and good governance. If we consciously act to exclude others from participating in the politics of their country, by using institutions such as the police and judiciary against them, then what country are we creating?

I do hope that His Royal Highness Chitimukulu, will exercise restraint and refuse to be drawn into trivial politics. If he shiuld speak at all, let him speak through an official spokes person. As a traditional leader, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu is a father to every citizen of this nation, and he should therefore NOT support any political party, except advise his subjects fairly in their exercise of constitutional rights.

Please Kanabesa, leave politics alone and unite this country…

And to my Bemba-speaking citizens; so much injustice, persecution and crime is being committed in your “name”. It is time to stand up and refuse to be used in things which don’t make sense.

We are one Zambia one nation.


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