Clerk issued $360,000 legal bill as she refuses to marry a gay man

Kim Davis

A person who used to work in an office and wouldn’t give a marriage paper to a same-sex couple has been told by a judge to give money to the lawyers of one couple.

Kim Davis was told by a jury last year that she broke the law by not letting a Kentucky couple get married.

On Tuesday, she was told to pay $260,000 in fees and an additional $100,000 for damages she already owed.

Ms Davis went to jail for a short time in 2015 because she didn’t follow the US Supreme Court‘s decision to make same-sex marriage legal.

She said she didn’t give the couple a marriage license because she thinks marriage should only be between a man and a woman. She mentioned her religious beliefs as an evangelical Christian.

Her lawyers said the legal costs were too high, but the judge disagreed and said Ms Davis has to pay because they won the case.

Judge David Bunning said the couple wanted to prove their right to get married and they did it.

Judge Bunning is the same judge who sent her to jail in 2015 because she refused to give out marriage licenses. This was seen as disrespecting the court.

She got out of jail because her staff helped with getting the licenses she needed.

Ms Davis asked the highest court in the US to hear her case in 2020, but they said no.

MrErmhold is running for the position of county clerk, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.

Ms Davis did not win the election to be the clerk of Rowan County in 2018.


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