Collapsing Economy To Cost Zanu PF’s Election Victory 

Chamisa Mnangagwa

Zanu PF party and its Presidential candidate Emmerson Mnangagwa is heading for an embarrassing defeat to the opposition because of the failing economy and high inflation the ruling party has failed to address for two decades.

Mnangagwa last week launched his campaign for a second term promising to revive the collapsed economy despite being at its helm since 1980.

Mnangagwa, seeking re-election amid a raging economic crisis characterised by high inflation and a plummeting currency, vowed to develop infrastructure, power generation, and the mining economy. He stated that his government had made progress in these areas, with hopes of generating $12 billion in mining revenue by 2023. He said while addressing a large crowd of supporters in Chipinge, about 500 km (311 miles) east of the capital Harare at the weekend:

ZANU-PF is unstoppable. It will continue governing Zimbabwe as other parties continue to split assunder.

We fought for our democracy, no one will stop us.

We are building roads and dams and recently we started installing solar boreholes in every village across the country.

Mnangagwa’s strongest challenger is expected to be the 45-year-old pastor and lawyer Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change party, who gained considerable support in towns and cities.

However, Mnangagwa remains confident in his party’s ability to lead Zimbabwe, stating that ZANU-PF is “unstoppable” and will continue to govern Zimbabwe as other parties “split asunder.” The election is scheduled for August 23rd and comes amid criticism of Mnangagwa’s government for allegedly closing the democratic space.

The election comes amid a raging economic crisis, with high inflation and a currency that plunged more than 50% this month against the U.S. dollar.


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