Commander Inno receives mother of all beatings as Kambwili returns to PF

Roses, balloons and fireworks set up to celebrate Kambwili’s solo trip to PF secretariat were marred with splatters of Kalimanshi’s melanin deficient blood and mucus after his rival party cadres handed him the mother of all civilian beatings.

In a scene set to mimick the Biblical grand entry into Jerusalem with flowers and confetti thrown around for his donkey to trample upon, the PF secretariat was painted all green with Chitenge and flags yielding without struggle to the gentle morning breeze as the ruling party set to receive their outspoken prodigal son.

However, just when Kambwili who was perched on the in the front of his white Toyota Land cruiser was driving to the sound PF choir and loud youth chants, commotion ensued when the cadres realised that Kambwili’s entourage included Innocent Kalimanshi of Chawama ‘barracks’.

The cadres tried to weed out Kalimanshi from the entourage by blocking his vehicle from entering the Secretariat but Kalimanshi stepped hard on his gas peddle scaring away those blocking him until his tyres came to a successful screeching halt inside the premises.

With a new sense of safety and confidence, Kalimanshi tried to chant slogans to the cadres but his chants seemed to only be dog whistles summoning the irate cadres who like a swam of bees robbed of honey descended on him.

What was to follow, the history of Zambian political beatings has no parallel to compare to.

Without his Embenezer-singing ensemble to protect him, Kalimanshi was plucked off the drivers’ seat of the vehicle for a free-for-all beating.

Helpless to the mob, Kalimanshi was juggled amongst the cadres as each group after treating him to slaps, kicks, fists and knuckles threw him to the next group so that they could also relish their anger on his light skinned body.

Cadres that were not close enough to punch or kick Kalimanshi threw missiles in his direction some of which landed on waiting journalists and triggering a run-for-life scamper.

As they mob competed to knock out Kalimanshi’s teeth, others thought iron bars would do the job well and whipped him flat like a pancake; a bloody pancake.

It had to take, Kennedy Kamba, the PF Lusaka Province Chairman to fly down the stairs of the double storey secretariat building to save Kalimanshi.

Seeing that his screaming orders to the cadres to cease the violence were not working, Kamba threw himself in the melee and personally dragged Kalimanshi to the safety his offices.

The cadres then turned their anger to Kalimanshi’s vehicle, smashing its windows and slashing its tyres.

Two journalists Nancy Malwele and Francis Maingaila were injured in the fracas.

The ceremony to welcome Kambwili was suspended for close to an hour until the arrival of police officers.

By the time order was restored, Kalimanshi had been rendered a “stretcher case” and his new Ford Ranger damaged beyond recognition.

With Kambwili safe in the embrace of the ruling party, Kalimanshi was evacuated to the UTH ICU to try his luck at clutching to whatever life remained in him.






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