Commander of RSF in Sudan meets with Kenyan President Ruto

Gen Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo has been on a recent charm offensive to neighbouring countries

Sudan’s paramilitary leader Mohamed Dagalo talked with Kenya’s President William Ruto about the conflict in East Africa.

Gen Dagalo, also known as Hemedti, said on social media that he shared his plan to end the war and start talking with the Sudanese army.

Gen Dagalo has been trying to make regional leaders like him by visiting them. He wants to get more power than his rival, Gen Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. He even visited Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

He has talked to Sudan’s old Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok and promised to release many prisoners. He also said he would open up ways for humanitarian aid to reach areas hurt by the fighting.

Gen Dagalo and Gen Burhan took control of the government in a coup in 2021, stopping Sudan’s progress towards democracy under Mr Hamdok.

Last year, two men got into a fight and it caused a civil war in the country. Many people have died and millions have had to leave their homes because of it.

The RSF is in charge of a lot of land in Khartoum, Wad Madani, and western Darfur.


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