Congratulations Comrade Mnangagwa For A Perfect ZANU-PF Great Electoral Victory- Fred M’membe

Dr Fred M’membe
Dr Fred M’membe


Dear Comrade President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa: I congratulate you for a perfect ZANU-PF great electoral victory.

Our SADC region and indeed our whole continent of Africa can continue counting on you to advance efforts to defend our sovereignty, development interests and obtain justice and prosperity for our peoples.

We reject all attempts to judge Zimbabwe’s elections by standards different from those used in other countries on the Continent and elsewhere.

Nothing the imperialists, their agents and puppets will say and do, will take away your well fought electoral victory.

Our best wishes for peace and prosperity of Zimbabwe, while reiterating our unwavering commitment to continue strengthening the fraternal bonds of Pan African solidarity and brotherhood that unite our peoples and their political organisations.

You can count on our unwavering support and Pan African solidarity.

Aluta continua!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party [Zambia]

August 26, 2023



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