Frank Ngambi
Frank Ngambi


… Says the province has received unprecedented development under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu.

Ndola… Friday, April 23, 2021

(Smart Eagles)

Patriotic Front (PF) Chifubu Member of Parliament Frank Ng’ambi has charged that Copperbelt Province is a no go area for UPND.

The lawmaker therefore says it is important that the UPND should concede defeat because they have no chance to win the 2021 general elections.

Hon Ng’ambi says the province has received unprecedented development which has facelifted the area.

Speaking when Minster of Fisheries and Livestock Professor Nkandu Luo distributed livestock to church, women and youth led cooperatives in Chifubu Constituency today, Hon Ng’ambi says people believe in His Excellency President Dr Edgar Changwa Lungu because of the development which has been actualised.

He says with this timely development in the area, clearly shows that the UPND which claim to be the biggest opposition will not in any way form Government.

Hon Ng’ambi says it is important that the UPND concede defeat because majority Zambians are behind the Patriotic Front Presidential sole candidate His Excellency President Dr Lungu.

“I hear that their president is not in the country because his sick, when he comes back in the country he must concede defeat because he will not win this year’s election,” he says.

Meanwhile Hon Ng’ambi discolsed he has bought an incubator for the people of Kafubu Constituency.

“We have bought the incumbator which will be hatching about 2,500 chicks then we shall be empowering our people,” Hon Ng’ambi says.


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