By Tinkerbel Mwila

Acting Copperbelt Provincial (PF) Chairperson Bernard Zulu and some of the committee members have been accused of being bribed by the highest bidder among aspiring candidates in the forthcoming general elections for recommendation for adoption to the party’s highest organ.

Irate PF members who sought anonymity have told phoenix news in a walk-in interview in Ndola that they have witnessed money exchange hands in the adoption process further alleging that the acting chairperson Mr. Zulu with some committee members have received monetary gifts ranging between k10 to k50, 000.

The members also claim that the committee members have made changes to a report submitted by Ndola district committee on its recommendation and replaced names of their preferred candidates, a move they say has brought confusion in the party.

The members have since asked the party’s Secretary General Davies Mwila and Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to take keen interest in the happenings in the party.

But when contacted for a comment over the matter, Acting Chairperson Bernard Zulu has described the allegations as baseless saying the adoption process is being conducted in a transparent manner and without interference.

Mr. Zulu has also denied receiving any money to influence his decision to the central committee.



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