Dan Pule has been arrested, he has been taken to Woodlands Police Station, charged with sedition against the State.



May 29, 2024 – Police in Lusaka have charged and arrested Dan Pule, 70, of New Kasama in Lusaka for one count of Expressing Hate speech based on tribe and one count of Seditious Practices.

Dr. Pule has been detained in custody waiting for court appearance.

Meanwhile, Police have officially charged and arrested Lumezi Member of Parliament Munir Zulu and his Mfuwe Constituency counterpart Maureen Mubonga for the offences of Expressing Hate speech based on tribe and Seditious Practices while Edith Nawakwi and Brebner Changala have each been charged with the offence of Seditious Practices.

All the suspects are detained in Police custody waiting to appear in court.

Danny Mwale
Deputy Police Public Relations Officer


  1. Iyeee! Nomba chaba twala na kuli ba Bishop, elo chapwa nomba! God is very annoyed with Upnd! From pulpit to prison cell! It means all followers of Dr. Pule are now enemies of the state! So who’s going to vote for them? Because they are making enemies of everybody. Have they forgotten Zambia is a serious democracy? Buchushi, kuntanshi uku tuleya , some people will cry! Plus na load shedding, ne nsala! Katwishi!

  2. God is very annoyed with people wanting to destroy the one nation and peace we have.leave God out of this He is one person that cannot be bluffed.

  3. Cage them, distractors who failed to run the economy. What are they fighting for? For return of criminals to power? Cage them, they are going nowhere bcos they are fighting a system good to the pipo and not a system bad to the pipo.

  4. Ichalo ici. Another dead person of my bemba tribl grouping ( I am Lunda from luapula,) will just wake up and spew some tribal remarks in order to be arrested. First , it was some MPs , now it’s some men who have already enjoyed government privileges like Dan Pule , Mbita Chitala. Next will probably be the chief tribalist Prof fimo fimo
    It’s really a scrip


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