Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC)


…..17 were referred to other Law Enforcement Agencies for further investigations

Lusaka, Thursday, 2nd March 2023

The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) through its Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Unit (AMLIU) in 2022, actively investigated a total of one thousand and ninety three (1,093) cases countrywide.

The Commission says out of these cases, sixty six (66) were closed by arrests, forty nine (49) closed by other headings and seventeen (17) cases were referred to other Law Enforcement Agencies for further investigations.

DEC Public Relations Officer Hussein Khan says concerning seizures, the Unit last year seized various properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Mr. Khan says the properties seized include those seized in cases highlighted above and other cases which were investigated in the period under review.

“These included; 108 motor vehicles, 72 real properties, 41 bank accounts held at various commercial banks with a total bank balance of K174,035,940.13 and US$19,777,181.33. Various mobile money accounts with a total balance of K10,045,240.87, cash amounting to K4,109,242.47,” he disclosed.

“Three (3) Toyota Landcruisers and some earth-moving equipment namely EP263 Rubber Pneumatic Tyre Roller, Ingersoll Drum Compactor and a JCB Excavator, were seized and forfeiture proceedings have commenced. The Unit has since submitted the dockets to the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) in cases where investigations have been concluded for the Authority to commence Non Conviction Based Forfeiture Proceedings of the said properties.”

Mr. Khan further reviewed that a total of 66 cases were closed by arrest in which 113 people were arrested for various predicate offences and money laundering.

“Some of the dockets have been processed and the suspects are appearing before the Courts of Law while others are still being considered for possible prosecution by the NPA. The total amounts involved in cases where arrests have been made are ZMW 347,955,017.45. The Unit also investigated and concluded a total of forty-nine (49) cases under various headings after investigations revealed that there was no money laundering offence committed,” he stated.

“Further, seventeen (17) cases were referred to other Law Enforcement Agencies for further investigations. As at 31st December, 2022 the Unit had a total of nine hundred and sixty one (961) active cases. Court Results…. Nineteen (19) cases were concluded at the Courts of which convictions were secured in Sixteen (16) cases, one (01) was discontinued and acquittals were recorded in Two (02) cases.”

The DEC Spokesperson further said a total of K1,364,860.00 and USD 148,743.00 was forfeited to the State in five (5) cases concluded by the Courts of Law.


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