Delta aircraft makes an emergency landing at Montreal airport after smoke spotted


A plane from New York had to make a quick landing in Montreal because there was smoke on the plane.

The Delta captain asked for help from emergency services before landing the plane with 69 people on board, said airport spokesperson Anne-Sophie Hamel. The plane with two engines was moved off the runway for safety reasons and no one got hurt.

Videos on social media show people walking on the runway with fire trucks around them.

“In an email, Hamel said that the airport is now working as usual. ”

The plane left New York’s LaGuardia airport at 3:25 in the afternoon. and arrived in Montreal shortly before 5:40 p. m

The airline said passengers were taken to the terminal on buses, and the plane will be moved to a gate to be checked.

“Emergency workers said the plane is okay,” said Delta representative Anthony Black in an email.

The reason for the accident is being looked into.


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