Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles is irked and worried by the recent revelations indicating a sharp increase in the number of divorce rate in Zambia!
Within the period of five (5) years divorce rate has almost doubled and in the next few coming years, chances are high that the number of marriages ending in a divorce might increase. In 2020, the Minister of Justice by then Hon Given Lubinda announced that about 20,000 marriages ended up in a divorce of which about 90% were Customary or Traditional marriages and about 10% were Statutory or Civil marriages.
A fortnight ago, the Zambia Daily mail Newspaper revealed that in 2022 about 31,000 plus marriages ended up in a divorce and yet in 2023, an increase of more than 5,000 was recorded.
It is not surprising that many marriages are ending up in divorce because the holy bible prophesied that during the last days (End of time), the love for many will cool off. (Mathew 24:12). Enemities within families is on the increase. (Mathew 10:36 and 37). Many people today are no longer loyal to agreements and others become betrayers of their own spouses. (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
Below are some of the known factors that have led to increase in divorce cases;
The maturity referred to in this case has nothing to do with the age of someone. While we acknowledge the age limit for anyone to enter a matrimonial home, many couples enter marriage alliances unprepared psychologically. Many lack needed qualities and attributes that can be used in rectifying problems that arise in marriage.
A recent survey conducted shows that often time problems faced by many couples is as a result of some negative influence from others especially the involved families. It is rare that spouses are the one’s responsible of the differences that ensure in marriage.
Many times relatives are so inquisitive in getting to know what is happening in the marriages of their children. Others are swayed by wrong advise coming from their colleagues be it workmates, neighbours or others they socialize with.
Many couples enter into marriage with ill motives. Some have prospects of getting rich and transforming their lives into tycoons. Some prospective mates get attracted to others not out of genuine love but because of some material benefits from someone.
It should be noted that wealth and material possessions does not last. Circumstances in life changes and one’s material well being can change any time. Circumstances in life can change any time depending on the economic factors. Unforseen incidences might also overtake us and can suddenly change the status quo of anyone at any time.
There is no guarantee that prospectives mates would remain in good health. Couples must be liberal enough to understand that we may fall sick any time. An accident can happen at any time. Couples must be prepared for unexpected eventualities.
Very few people nowadays are ready to remain loyal to their mates during unfavorable times and when circumstances suddenly change. (Ecclesiastes 9:11).
Infidelity or lack of trustworthiness is one of the main reasons why many marriages are ending up in divorce! There are very few couples that remain loyal and faithful to their mates in marriage.
God our Creator the initiator of marriage only intended marriage to be made up of a man and a woman. Extramarital affairs was not part of God’s arrangement. The matrimonial and romantic love between a couple is not meant to be shared outside marriage and immediately one begin being unfaithful, a rift is created!
Infidelity has led to homicides (Killings among spouses). There are very few couples living together who are bound mentally, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. Many couples only live together physically but they divorced long time ago! Hebrews 13:4, Mathew 19:3-6.
In the book of Malachi 2:16, the holy bible outrightly puts it clear that ‘God hates divorce’ and the scriptures condemns adultery as a vile practice. All those committing adultery will be destroyed by God and will not enter God’s Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 6:9.
It must be noted that a couple who make up into a marriage alliance come from different backgrounds with different personalities. People are brought up differently. Marriage is a combination of two people with different attitudes, perceptions, mannerisms, behaviours, likes, feelings, emotions, choices and views.
It is not true a belief that some couples that opt for divorce are not compatible but those who end up divorcing are not willing to adjust their personalities in order to fit into their mates. It is lack of humility, rigidity and unwillingness to make necessary adjustments that makes many couples to abandone marriage.
Admittedly we need to face the sad reality about the adverse and harsh economic hardships we are facing as a Country. It is becoming extremely difficult for men especially taking care of their families. Many family heads are failing to provide for their households not because they are lazy but due to the harsh economic situation.
It takes industriousness and having an enterprising person to survive in Zambia. It is not easy putting food on the table. Some end up resorting to abusing alcohol and smoking some drugs simply to find solace. Not everyone taking alcohol is happy. Some do it because of frustrations and failure to find sustainable activities.
Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles is an Organization founded to promote Morality in the Country. Morality has everything to do with the following;-
- Good behavior of the people.
- Mannerisms.
- Conduct.
- Attitude.
- Perceptions.
- Mental disposition or Mind set of the citizens.
- Dress Code.
- Language, Expressions and Utterances.
All the above faculties and attributes listed above can only be inculcated in our people from within their homes. They say ‘Charity begins at home’. A family is the most important unit that makes up a powerful nation. Admittedly there is very little being done by the Government in strengthening families in Zambia.
In just a few weeks from now, the Republican President will be going to Parliament in order to give an annual report on how the Government is actualizing National Values and Principles. Since 2016, it is a Constitutional recquirement for the President updating the Nation on how the Government is implementing National Values and Principles.
It is sad with such alarming figures of divorce rate how the President will be able to address the Nation. Nevertheless, not all the hope is lost. The following could be considered as options in strengthening family ties;
The Government must immediately restore the marriage interference Act in the Law in order to promote sanity in marriage. All those found wanting in meddling in other people’s marriages must face the wrath of the Law.
In Zambia having an extramarital affair is deemed normal and acceptable. Statutory or Civil marriage criminalizes adultery for married couples. It is a crime called Bigamy having an affair with another person outside marriage. The same principle should be applied to Customary or Traditional marriages.
The stiff penalties put on anyone who becomes unfaithful should serve as a punitive measure to discourage couples engaging in extramarital affairs.
The Government through the Ministry of Justice, Community and other critical departments like National Guidance, Traditional Affairs and Gender must come up with deliberate Television and Radio programs for sensitizing and educating families on how to handle marital affairs.
Ministry of Education and Ministry of Information can also team up in ensuring that all media houses come up with programs aimed at educating the Nation on family values. We need more marriage counselors and mature, elderly and exemplary parents should be identified to be providing guidance in the Country.
This is the time when the Central Government, the Church Mother Bodies, the Traditional Leaders and some Civil Society Organizations need to come together in an effort to strengthen family ties. The increase in the number of divorce cases in Zambia is a clear sign that as a Country we are running out of strong moral values!
Concerted efforts are needed by all stakeholders in restoring morality and sanity in marriages. Divorce rate has a terrible impact on the health of our Nation. The number of street kids is likely to swell and chances are high that violence will go up as well. The foregoing situation if not curbed can result into having an ungovernable society and would result into political instability.
While we appreciate the Government’s efforts by increasing CDF funds and empowering our Women and Youths through various embarkments, little is being done in instilling our National Values and Principles in our people.
Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles submitted a comprehensive report to the New Dawn Government on how we can cultivate an obedient Society of people anchored on strong values and principles. It is sad that our submission has gone unattended to.
Just as it would be futile and unrealistic for a bank giving loans to people without capacity of paying back, we need to prioritize values and principles in the Country. Sustainable Development can only be achieved once we have a generation of people who are morally upright!
Written by Mr. Joseck Kunda – National Ambassador and Chief Executive Officer for the Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles.