Lillian Fulata Shawa Siyuni
Lillian Fulata Shawa Siyuni

THE Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has entered a nolle prosequi in a case in which Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) former provisional liquidator Milingo Lungu was charged with theft and money laundering involving K4.4 million.

Lungu, 43, a legal practitioner, appeared before Lusaka magistrate Felix Kaoma for continued hearing of his case but was informed that the DPP entered a nolle in the matter

“I Margaret Hakasenke Simuchimba senior State advocate, on behalf of the Director of Public Prosecutions for the Republic of Zambia pursuant to the powers vested in me by Section 81 and 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code authorise the entry in record proceedings that proceedings are discontinued against Milingo Lungu,” the nolle prosequi read in part.

And magistrate Kaoma informed Mr Lungu that a nolle prosequi was not an acquittal in that he could be re-arrested on similar charges.

In count one, it was alleged that Mr Lungu between May 22, 2019 and September 28, 2021 being a provisional liquidator stole K4.4 million, the property of Konkola Copper Mines PlC.

In count two, allegations were that Mr Lungu during the same period transfered K4.4 million knowing or having reasons to be believe the same to be proceeds of crime.



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