JULY 2, 2021

President EDGAR LUNGU is leading other Heads of State in paying their last respects to First Republican president KENNETH KAUNDA at a State funeral being held in the Show Grounds in Lusaka.

The foreign Heads of State that flew into the country for the funeral are South Africa’s CYRIL RAMAPHOSA, FILIPE NYUSI of Mozambique, UHURU KENYETTA of Kenya and HAGE GEINGOB of Namibia.

Others are Malawian President LAZARUS CHAKWERA, Zimbabwe’s EMMERSON MNANGAGWA, Botswana President MOKGWEETSI MASISI and Ghanaian President NANA AKUFO-ADDO.

The other dignitaries include Commonwealth Secretary General PATRICIA SCOTLAND and African Commission Chairperson MOUSSA FAKI.

And scores of people from various sections of society have also turned up to pay their last respects.210502262_545622976619052_510188400261194911_n

As the Cortege carrying the remains of Dr. KAUNDA made its way into the show grounds main arena, the mourners waved the signature white handkerchief that the First Republican president always carried with him.

Dr. KAUNDA has been accorded a gun salute by the Zambia Army and a fly past by the Zambia Airforce.


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