Ecowas not under influence of foreign powers – mediator


Ecowas not under influence of foreign powers – mediator
Sierra Leone’s Foreign Minister Timothy Musa Kabba has denied accusations by the junta-led regimes of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso that the West African regional bloc Ecowas is under foreign influence.

The three countries jointly announced their exit from Ecowas on Sunday, saying that the bloc is “under the influence of foreign powers, betraying its founding principles” and “has become a threat to member states and peoples”.

Mr Kabba, who was part of the team that has been mediating between Ecowas and the junta-led regimes, has told the BBC’s Newsday radio programme that the accusations are “unfortunate” as Ecowas’s intervention was intended to “find a solution to the impasse” and ensure peace, security and stability in the region.

“And we are not in any way under the influence of any external power to mediate between Ecowas and Nigerien authorities,” he added.

Relations between the bloc and the three countries have been tense after the bloc suspended their membership and hit them with economic sanctions, after coups in Niger in 2023, Burkina Faso in 2022 and Mali in 2020.


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