YALI President Andrew Ntewewe
YALI President Andrew Ntewewe

By Patricia Male

Data collected by some civil society organizations on the ongoing voter registration has revealed that the exercise in most UPND strongholds like southern province is faster compared to other provinces that are perceived as such.

At a joint media briefing, the CSOs have accused the Electoral Commission of Zambia –ECZ- of manipulating the voter registration exercise through the unfair distribution of registration kits.

Speaking on behalf of the CSOs, Young African Leaders Initiative –YALI- President, Andrew Ntewewe has since called for the dismissal of ECZ- Manager for Elections, Winnar Mwanamonga and Voter Education Manager, Emmah Mwiinga who they believe are responsible for the unfair manipulation of the electoral process.

Mr. Ntewewe says persons in charge of elections and voter education within the commission have distributed more registration kits to southern province as compared to other provinces with similar voting population, a situation he says is bound to plunge the country into chaos.

He has since challenged the Electoral Commission of Zambia Chairman Esau Chulu and Director of Elections Patrick Nshindano to come out clean and explain how these registrations kits were unfairly allocated.

And the same briefing, Advocates for National Development and Democracy Executive Director, Samson Banda says the ECZ must take these allegations seriously and act immediately as this action may endanger the peace of the country.

Meanwhile, Zambia National Students Union Acting President, Steven Kanyakula has called on the ECZ to consider setting up registration centers at all Colleges and Universities to enable students register to vote.

Efforts to get ECZ Acting Public Relations Manager, Sylvia Bwalya on the matter proved futile as her mobile phone went unanswered.


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