By Friday Kashiwa

Finally it has come to pass.
The People’s Power has prevailed in Malawi.
The People’s Power has forced the resignation of the Malawi Electoral Commission Chairperson Ms Jane Ansah – the Tippex lady, who presided over what the Malawian Concourt and Supreme Courts, in it’s scathing judgement has branded as the most and gross incompetent electoral Commission.

During the February 2019 Presidential elections, MsJane Ansah went to the extent of using correctional fluid or tippex or most likely even her lipstick to alter results in favor of the incumbent Peter Mutharika and later on fraudulently declared him as the duly elected President.

Here in Zambia, during our 2016 disputed elections, our Electoral commission of Zambia Chairman probably didn’t have or didn’t think of correctional fluid or tippex, but instead went ahead to create a fictictous constituency in a small village of Chitulika in Mpika.
And also went ahead to announce fake results for Lundazi District.

Unlike in the Zambian case, the Malawian judiciary sided with the law and the Malawian people.
In annulling the February 2019 polls, both the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of Malawi rendered their landmark SUPREME JUSTICE judgement citing Jane Ansah’s Commission as:
– Gross incompetent and at worst, bias against the other presidential candidates.
– That the OVERZEALOUS Attorney General shouldn’t have and should no longer represent the President or the State institutions in matters of presidential electoral court disputes.
Now all the above judgements sound very familiar here in Zambia.

So from the above Malawian electoral fraud case, the January 2017 Kenyan disputed elections, the 2016 Zambian disputed elections and others in the region, it is now becoming evidently clear that almost all the disputed election results being witnessed are as a result of the respective Electoral commissions compromised, corrupt and incompetent adjudication.
So far, this has been proven by the competent and unbiased judiciaries in Kenya and Malawi.
Underline the word COMPETENT judiciary.

My humble appeal to the next administrations and Governments taking over in these countries where gross incompetence in the adjudication of polls by the Electoral commission chairpersons and their Commissioners has been cited and proven, please go ahead and prosecute them.
But don’t throw them in jail but rather cage them in public Museums or a Zoo where Tourists and scholars of Democracy and Governance can go and view them as THE PEOPLE WHO ALMOST KILLED DEMOCRACY.
Remember to put in those cages a bottle of Correctional fluid or tippex, in Malawi.
In a Zambian Zoo or Museum, let’s put a Map of Mpika, to show that Chitulika is just a small village and NOT a constituency as per the 2016 election results.
Or a tape recorder of Essau Chulu announcing fake results for Lundazi District.

We salute you Kenya.
We salute you Malawi.
Not too late for mother Zambia.

Friday Kashiwa.


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