Edgar Lungu and Miles Sampa have  put aside their differences and reconciled


Lungu, Miles reconcile

RIVAL presidents of the Patriotic Front (PF), Edgar Lungu and Miles Sampa, have reportedly put aside their differences and reconciled.

The two met yesterday and even shared photos from their meeting on their social media accounts.

Lungu, the former republican president, shared four photos on social media, showing him meeting with Sampa who is also Matero Constituency lawmaker.

The photos showed the two engaging in conversation, with friendly smiles and gestures.

Lungu’s caption simply stated: “Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to meet with the Matero Constituency MP, Hon. Miles Bwalya Sampa,” without divulging any details about their discussion.

The former president further stated; “We had a fruitful discussion on matters of both party and national interest”.

Sampa had also posted one of the photos from the meeting with the caption; “This afternoon I went to check on how the former Republican President Edgar C. Lungu is doing. We had a good laugh catching up the past 3 years since we last met”.

The meeting of the two may just be the start of a compromise over the leadership of the former ruling party that has been embroiled in squabbles in the last two years.

On October 24, Sampa convened what his colleagues termed an illegal extraordinary general conference where he got himself elected as party president.

The PF party has been plagued by a rift, triggered by a leadership struggle between Sampa and Lungu.

On October 24, 2023, Sampa was elected PF president at a disputed extraordinary general assembly but just four days later, Lungu declared himself the rightful PF president, precipitating a party split.

The legitimacy of Sampa’s election has been challenged in court and the matter is still ongoing.

In the meantime, the PF party is currently divided, with factions loyal to either Sampa or Lungu.

Kalemba July 1, 2024


  1. upnd is now in full panic mood sweating, weldon ecl and sampa twachulu ne nsala and hakainde loadsheding

  2. miles sampa ni guy ,he has seen that no chance of hh to baunce back in 2026 that’s why he has visited ba lungu for reconcilation after chewing double h money and enjoying state security offered to him ba bane balata njala pa zed

  3. All along PF has been accusing, insulting HH and his ND government to be the ones sponsoring Miles Sampa, what has happened to that sponsorship now?

  4. Miles Sampa holds all the aces. I have always said this. Hakainde got himself sucked into the PF and exposed him self so much..and illegalities followed. He exposed Parliament, Registrar of Societies, the Police , the ministry of home affairs and sadly even our courts and our judicial system.
    If Hakainde abandons Sampa, Sampa can simply move to ECL and expose Hakainde’s schemes.. which seems to be what has happened…
    Where does this leave Hakainde? The man has become very exposed..and a rot will be exposed. Hakainde won’t survive when the rotting beans are spewed!
    What pre-emptive damage control can Hakainde do to limit what will definitely sink him? The man has very few options..
    He is in a mess, so too is the Speaker, Nellie Mutti, IG Musamba, Minister Jack Mwiimbu, Hakainde’s Political Advisor and many others. Am sure they are scratching their heads.
    That’s why useless Mingalatos are double edged swords.. especially when you involve state Institutions. Let’s wait and see!!!

    • You talk out your ass so regularly. You were insulting Sampa as a paid UPND cadre, now he is a strategic genius.
      STFU, clown.


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