Patriotic Front (PF) Mafinga Member of Parliament, Robert Chabinga, has offered counsel to former President Edgar Lungu regarding his aspirations within the PF. He emphasized that adhering to the party’s constitution is of utmost importance when aspiring for leadership positions, recommending that Mr. Lungu start from the grassroots level within the party’s Ward structures.

Chabinga pointed out that the PF constitution stipulates that individuals who have previously resigned from the party structure must adhere to a three-year waiting period and initiate their political journey from the Ward level. He cited the example of Matero Member of Parliament, Miles Sampa, who had previously left the PF and had to respect the waiting period before seeking office within the party again.

Chabinga expressed his views during a press briefing held in Lusaka. He asserted that former President Lungu should abide by the party’s rules, ascend through the Ward level, and progress to the national level within the party.

Yesterday, former President Lungu made an official announcement regarding his return to active politics, sparking discussions and debates within the PF.

Furthermore, Robert Chabinga categorically rejected claims that the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) funded the recent PF Conference during which Miles Sampa was elected as the party’s President. He denounced assertions made by certain PF members that the UPND and State House played a role in Sampa’s rise to power as false.

In addition to offering guidance on PF leadership and dispelling funding allegations, Robert Chabinga urged the police to take swift action against individuals or groups that hold political events under the banner of the Patriotic Front without the endorsement of President Miles Sampa.

Chabinga also emphasized the need for the government to expedite the fight against corruption. He expressed concerns that the ongoing fight against corruption had been protracted, with limited progress in the prosecution of individuals involved in corrupt practices.

The dynamics and developments within the Patriotic Front continue to evolve and elicit discussions among political figures, party members, and the general public. The future trajectory of the PF and the political aspirations of its prominent members will undoubtedly remain subjects of interest and scrutiny in the coming months.


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