Had he repented from lies, love of money, pride and sexual sins among other things, it would have made a lot of sense. Not the nonsense I heard.

How can you repent or regret of having supported the people’s president, Dr Edgar Lunga and PF that took unprecedented development, such as never been seen in the history of this country, to all the corners of Zambia?

Personally if the 2021 general elections were to be reconducted with Dr Edgar Lungu has presidential candidate, I would still regorously campaign and vote for him and PF.

Bane nangu ninsala teifyo.Even in poverty there’s honor. Life is very hard for all of us, but we can’t stubb good people in the back so that we continue driving posh cars and sleeping in hotels and Lodges.

Edgar Lungu was a great leader and Pf changed the face of Zambia and no amount of lies and stupidity will change that fact!

We as ZRP, like other well meaning million Zambians wish to state that we are solidly behind the 6th president, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the PF in thin and thick.

Join the Zambia Republican Party for a better Zambia tomorrow!

Wright Musoma
ZRP President.


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