Suzyo Nyika

“Suzyo Nyika lived in Lusaka West, grew up at Miller Farm in Lilayi…was very close to the Millers. They actually raised him. He has properties on Mungwi Road..Nyika Gardens and Miller Complex. Before he died he moved to Lilayi near Aninas. We all knew him. He had a huge body and did his best to trim down. He had health issues due to his body.

In September 2021 after UPND won elections. He drove himself to Lundazi. He had a farm in Lundazi and another property in Lundazi Boma. He drove himself to Lundazi but he had BP. Arrived at the farm, went to rest, in the morning he was due to move his cattle from a certain farm he had bought them to his farm. He never woke up. He died in his sleep.

At the time of his death, his wife was attending a funeral in Lusaka. His phone was ringing but he never picked up. She was with someone I know at the time. His workers only noticed that he had died after he never came out of the house he was sleeping in.

They called the police and some other people, broke the door to his house and found him in bed, his TV was on, his phones on the side table. At the time of taking his body to the mortuary after police BID formalities, Lundazi town was load shedded and had no power for some days. His body stayed in the mortuary for 4 days, when they went to collect the body, it had bulged due to decomposition. They actually had to force the fridge to remove his body and this action peeled off his face and skin. The family decided to bury the body in Lundazi due to its decomposed state.

They also decided not to have body viewing as the facial skin was peeled off as they tried to remove his huge body from the mortuary sliding door fridges. Some people took photos of his body and these pictures are available somewhere. This is traumatic to the family to be told that their dead relative is alive. I hope the police know what they are doing. This is not good at all. At the time of his death, he only had K75,000 in all his bank accounts…..” Nelson Phiri wrote!


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