We are monitoring Edith Nawakwi and state house agents what they are planning. We are not surprised with president Edgar Lungu’s statement in news diggers that he wants to arrest HH because a lot is going on now at state house. The insight is as follows;

They are now plotting to arrest HH, Lungu has come out, Nawakwi and her agent popularly known as general working with Zumani Zimba, political advisor to Lungu, Lukangaba lungu’s AIDs and other Lungu’s close friends they are busy cooking up information on privatisation by mobilising property documents at lands department in Lusaka for all HH’s properties that are on Nawakwi’s cooking list.

State house and PF have no evidence to claim arrest of HH on privatisation including even Lungu himself, but depending on what Nawakwi is cooking is their strength. As at this week Nawakwi who is sending his agent called General is trying to storm the lands records office to pull out HH’s property documents to verify the evidence that HH presented during his interview to the nation, Nawakwi realising that she presented a fake information to the nation and Lungu has been Cheated she has evidence yet not, up to now Lungu is in living hope of what does not exist, pressure is mounting from state house agents on Nawakwi’s agents lead by General to facilitate documents of HH properties which General is also lying to them that he is having a challenge to get the documents stating that the lands commissioner and his secretaries are useless and not cooperating with him in getting these documents.


General claimed that one of HH’s property documents no: 248 A they wanted to get demanded by Nawakwi is reported missing accusing the lands commission and the people in charge of records office not being coperative but working with opposition. They are pushing that the lands commissioner, his secretaries and people at the records office be removed and close the records office to doctor documents while they work with the deputy lands commissioner whom they are saying he is supporting their evil agenda.

Nawakwi has indicated to her master’s that HH presented fake document so she is trying to work with loyal records government departments at Lands, archives departments and others to cook this information.

This general is also blaming it on state house agents not giving him enough support financially to get the documents he is trying to cook for Nawakwi. Citizens must know that behind the closed doors so much is being cooked, another person claimed he had information that HH killed someone and he could provide evidence, he was given money by the state house agents and Lungu’s friends but this person has since disappeared with the money not knowing his whereabouts to which they are now complaining.

There also miners and ex-minners from Copperbelt who are being organised and paid to go and implicate HH that he stole their money in the past to discredit him and prosecute him so that he is bared by slapping him with a simple criminal conviction, panic is too much on the PF such that HH characterise their daily meetings and this is the reason why Lungu took it open to Mwansabombwe rally that HH will be arrested if he is not luck, he is basing everything on these processes of cooking and generating fake information.

HH is on a line they will not stop at anything to stop him even risking this country to lose whatever it has for the sake of them remaining in power, citizens must get ready to see more complicated things being raised on HH and other key leaders of the UPND.

Lungu is not very much trusting the police as well that’s why now he is bringing soldiers close to him,this is evident at his recent visit to Copperbelt where a batallian of soldiers in military uniforms were at Simon Mwansa kapwepwe airport to cover him both receiving and sending off to the shock of police who always provide security as their institutional mandate in the history of Zambia and in accordance with the law. This is meant to help him to strengthen the military intelligence to prolong his stay in office even when he loses elections next year.

We will keep the nation updated as we monitor what is going on at state house. The plans by Lungu to arrest HH are very active. We challenge all the people mentioned in this publication to refute with facts these allegations within 48 hrs if they are not involved and we shall take the next step to expose them.


Good Governance and Human Rights Activist


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