Fellow country men and women, we would like to inform the nation about the latest information on the recent statement Ms Nawakwi released in which she disclosed that she was unilaterally keeping Phelunas kids.

As human rights activists, we did not take her statement lightly owing to the fact that she is not in good terms with the Hatembos, and subsequently it would be naturally correct to assume that the action by madam Nawakwi is an offence that may be described as abduction.

After her statement, we took it upon ourselves to investigate the issue and ascertain if indeed there were some Hatembos under her custody. Before we go any further we would like to inform the nation that madam Nawakwi is a damn liar. If she can call the media and give false information, then we wonder what type of a President she can turn out to be.
Here are our findings on which we challenge her to refute them during her press briefing today at Chrismar Hotel.

Pheluna has four (4) children. She had five but the only boy died and she only remained with girls. Pheluna’s first born is called by the name of her first born, as Bina Hitler. She is the one who stays with her mother and is above 40 years and also has a daughter, who in turn has a daughter, a great grand daughter of Pheluna aged 2 years. The other daughter of Pheluna is in Mansa and is married to a magistrate, while the other is one with down syndrome and is 33 years old. Pheluna in her recent video footage that we shared with the nation talked about the one with disability issues. The last born who is a teacher whose name is Mwiya. She is married to a fellow teacher(Muchimba Muleya) and both are teaching at Mbabala basic school.
Mwiya has three kids and her husband is the interpreter for President Edgar Lungu each time he holds public rallies in Choma district. Mwiya’s husband Muleya, is a pure PF cadre and is the one who has been communicating with Nawakwi each time he needs assistance.

Fellow country men and women, Mr Muchimba Muleya got a loan and used the title deed for the mother in-law as collateral, but when the time came to pay back the loan, he had no money, and so he arranged for an NGO which helps orphans and people with disabilities.

However by the time the NGO went to Pheluna to seek her consent, she had already gone into hiding. The gentleman failed to pay the loan, and decided to approach some NGO who helps people with disabilities in Mbabala to help the mother in law some money because of the sick child but the time they went to her house, she was out and the NGO couldn’t help because they needed the presence of Pheluna and that’s how the same inlaw now had to dupe the desperate Nawakwi to pay the same loan without consulting from Pheluna who is hiding to know exactly how the loan was obtained.

The whole truth is that the inlaw to Pheluna used isambo lyamfwa style, he knew Nawakwi was not going to meet or see Pheluna again and thats how he took advantage. But since Ms Nawakwi is on a mission to have HH arrested she took the risk and paid last week.

The owners of the money therefore went to Pheluna’s house with an eviction notice but only found her daughter. That is how Phelunas son in-law started calling Edith Nawakwi falsely claiming that Pheluna obtained a loan and that the people where she borrowed from wanted to foreclose on the property when in fact it’s him who got the loan using Pheluna’s house as collateral without her consent.

Mr. Muchimba played Edith Nawakwi a game. Pheluna never got a loan and only left 150 chickens for the daughter to look after before she fled her house for safety.

Edith Nawakwi is therefore lying, and according to the law, Pheluna’s children are all adults, the youngest being the one married to a fellow teacher with three kids. From the above, you are able to appreciate that Edith Nawakwi is so desperate that she is willing to do anything to who ever promises her any information that can lead to the apprehension of the Hatembos.
It is very unfortunate that Pheluna has been betrayed by her son in-law and her own daughter Mwiya.

The same couple sold a plot, bare land belonging to Pheluna without her consent. They are a pair who survives on credits and both of them have loans with these lending institutions like ‘Izwe’.The man is taking advantage because he is the only man who stays with the in-law and as you know Pheluna is not married. This is the man who used to tell Pheluna that he can escort her to State house to meet President Lungu so that Hakainde Hichilema can be fixed and this is why we are very sure that President Lungu is fully aware and deeply involved in this case.


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