… As she says HH and his surrogates are evil, they are forcing the Hatembos to paint her black.

Lusaka… Sunday, April 25, 2021

(Smart Eagles)

Forum for Democracy and Development President Edith Nawakwi insists that UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema is hiding the Pheluna and Milton Hatembo in his house.

Ms Nawakwi says Mr Hichilema knows that what he did was evil and it might dent his political career hence hiding them at his place.

She says in an exclusive interview today, Mr Hichilema and his minions are now forcing the Hatembos to accuse her of having plans to kill them that is why they are in hiding when in fact not.

The FDD leader says she has nothing to do with the Hatembos but it is Mr Hichilema who has done evil against the innocent people.

“See what is happening, they have now captured them in the video saying ill but me. They were being told what to say by Hichilema and his minions who are hiding them.

See how they are looking, so vulnerable. They were pushed into the wall when talking. You even tell that these people are not in safe hands,”she says.

The video has gone viral were the Hatembos are accusing Ms Nawakwi of having plans to kill them.

They say they are hiding and suffering because they are scared of Ms Nawakwi.

But Ms Nawakwi rubbished the claims, saying it is Mr Hichilema who is pushing the agenda of showing that she is evil when not.

“If these people are safe why are they keeping them in Hakainde Hichilema’s house.

There is something fishy. Hakainde Hichilema is evil and all what is doing will haunt him,” Ms Nawakwi says.

Ms Nawakwi has since apealed to the police to ensure that this matter is expedited so those found wanting are arrested.


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