Extravagant Zim Govt Funding for Opposition Leader Amos Chibaya Raises Eyebrows


In a striking display of governmental expenditure, Amos Chibaya, the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, is reportedly enjoying an array of lavish perks funded by the state. These benefits, comparable to those of a Minister of State, include high-end vehicles, comprehensive security arrangements, and a fully-equipped executive office.

Chibaya has been allocated a Toyota Land Cruiser VX-V8 and a Mercedes Benz E300, with a combined value exceeding US$350,000. These vehicles come with dedicated drivers, ensuring Chibaya’s transportation needs are met with ease. He also receives parliamentary fuel for travel within his constituency and for international engagements related to his parliamentary duties.

His office setup mirrors that of high-ranking government officials, equipped with luxury furniture and staffed by a Personal Assistant at the Deputy Director level, as well as a Principal Executive Assistant. These positions are financed by the government. For communication, Chibaya has been provided with a state-of-the-art mobile handset, a dedicated line from Parliament, and generous monthly data and voice bundles.

Security measures for Chibaya have been significantly enhanced, including personal security services from the President’s Office and residence security managed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).

This level of expenditure on the opposition leader has sparked discussions and, reportedly, feelings of envy within his own party, highlighting the extensive nature of the benefits provided by the government.


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