Fallen PF’s “monument like fly-over bridges” have done little to decongest Lusaka- Maj Ben Phiri

Ben Phiri
Ben Phiri

Fallen PF’s “monument like fly-over bridges” have done little to decongest Lusaka, argues Ben Phiri

He writes:

The much hyped Lusaka roads decongestion project implemented by the PF government appears to have done very little in mitigating the problem experienced by motorists in the capital city .

A number of fly over bridges were constructed in parts of Lusaka which were termed as “massive road infrastructure” by the fallen PF regime
if indeed the intention was genuine, we could have created “by pass” roads from Chelstone, Makeni, Matero etc straight to the central business district. Secondly, the double lane facility should have gone about 10 to 15 kms outside the capital in all the four directions namely: Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern respectively which would have resulted in a faster flow of traffic especially during peak hours.

Yesterday for instance, it took me more than an hour to move from Kabwe roundabout to Makishi road along Great East Road at around 17.15 hrs which clearly shows that very little has been achieved by the construction of the monument like fly over bridges.

Maj Ben Phiri
Office of the UPND SG


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