FEARLESS KAMPYONGO STORMS THE ILLEGAL KASUNGA NJELA GOLD MINE…. addresses over 5, 000 illegal gold miners, traders and gold buyers on the need to legalize their businesses



…. addresses over 5, 000 illegal gold miners, traders and gold buyers on the need to legalize their businesses

Shiwang’andu District… Thursday August 31, 2023 (SMART EAGLES)

Determine to find out what is happening at the Kasunga Njela gold mine in Shiwang’andu District, area Member of Parliament Hon Stephen Kampyongo today stormed the mining site to understand what is taking place at the gold mine.

Hon Kampyongo, who was in the company of Shiwang’andu Council Chairperson Simon Sampa Bwali, navigated through the Kasunga Njela mines to go and witness what has been happening at the gold mine site.

Hon Kampyongo and his crew walked for almost an hour to the mining fields from the place where the vehicles where parked.

Just after crossing the Kanchibiya stream, Hon Kampyongo was greeted by a full fledged market where over a thousand market shifts have been erected to save the illegal miners and gold buyers.

The former Home Affairs Minister proceeded to check on the gold pits and interacted with the miners who complained of being harrassed by foreigners specifically Tanzanians as well as low prices for gold mined from the site.

Later on, Hon Kampyongo addressed over 5, 000 illegal gold miners, traders and gold buyers and encouraged them to form corporatives so that they can start to do business genuinely.

“I have come in peace and don’t think that I am your enemy. I engaged His Royal Highness Chief Mukwikile and informed him of my intention to tour this site. This is because I want the people of Zambia to benefit from this natural resource,” he said.

“This mineral resource is in my constituency and I should make sure that the due process is followed. That’s why I am encouraging all of you to form corporatives so that you legalize your businesses. This will also help you from the perceived harassment from foreigners. Please ensure that you corporate with the leadership put in place here as this will help you whilst you are here doing mining activities.”

He said he was aware that a lot of the people have left their houses to go on site to support their lives.

“I know all of you here have crossed these mountains to come and see how you will sustain your lives. There is serious hunger in the country and as a lawmaker, I can’t say leave this place. But we need to do the needful. You need to have documents so that you do these mining activities legally,” he said.

The illegal gold mine was opened in July this year with over five thousand illegal miners, traders and gold buyers flocking the place.

Hon Kampyongo later toured Kapisha Rural Health Center to check on needy areas.


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