Focus On Reducing The High Cost Of Living Not Creating Propaganda Against PF- Lifwekelo

Edwin Lifwekelo
Edwin Lifwekelo


27th July 2023, Lusaka.

The Patriotic Front wishes to dismiss its strongest terms two malicious articles circulating on social media with the energy that they deserve as mere falsehoods connected by desperate political adversaries.

We recognize that the two articles have been fueld by those who seek to paint the PF party and it’s leaders like Vice President Hon Given Lubinda, MCC Hon Raphael Nakacinda and a host of others black.

One of the articles seeks to insinuate that Hon Given Lubinda has been doing business with FRA suppling polytene bags used to package the maize that FRA buys from farmers..

As such we want to make it categorically clear that Hon Given Lubinda has had no business dealings with FRA, any of its staff or board members as the rubbished malicious article is suggesting.

Therefore Hon Given Lubinda has pleaded with all those especially in the UPND who harbor ill will against FRA board chairman Kelvin Hambwezya and wish to see him out of his Job to push their agenda without having to link him to the man.

Please note that neither Hon Given Lubinda or any of the enterprises he has interests in has had any sort of dealings with FRA not even in the times he served as Agriculture Minister.

We equally urge all members of the press and public alike to treat as false the article claiming that there was a physical or any sort of confrontation at all between Hon Given Lubinda and MCC Raphael Nakacinda at former President Edgar Lungu’s house in Ibex Hill Lusaka as nothing of that nature occurred .

We encourage the UPND to focus their energies on uniting the country amidst the unacceptably highest cost of living currently tormenting the Zambian people as opposed to their continued propaganda against Former President Edgar Lungu and the entire patriotic front party.

Late me put it on record that, We as PF have no time to play cat and mouse with UPND as we are fixed on rebranding and mobilizing our party for 2026 and beyond.

Therefore all attempts to assassinate the characters and spirits of our party Vice President Hon Given Lubinda and MCC Nakacinda and other leaders are an exercise in futility as we remain focused on growing the PF party.

We call on Zambians to vehemently reject the new political hegemony being perpetuated by the New Dawn Government meant as it is meant divide the country on political and ethnicity lines as opposed uniting under the one zambia one nation mantra that late President Kaunda and his peers anchored it on.

Lastly, we in the PF reiterate our commitment to the sustenance of democracy within our party and we shall not be hinged by desperate political opponents who are hell bent on seeing us fall apart by propelling unsubstantiated propaganda against our leaders.

Isssued by
Edwin Lifwekelo
Acting Media Director
Patriotic Front Party HQ


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