Former BOZ Governor, Mvunga sues Miles Sampa . Demands 100 Million

Christopher Mvunga


Miles Sampa dragged to court by Ex BOZ Governor Mvunga

…who is seeking K100 million in damages for Libel…

5th Feb. 2024

Former Central Bank Governor Chris Mvunga has sued expelled legislator Miles Sampa for defamation in a case filed in the High Court of Zambia according to official court records deposited and stamped in the court’s registry dated 5th February 2024.

The facts of the case according to the court filings are that Sampa recently caused or published on his widely followed Facebook page, a libellous story that claimed that the respected former BOZ Governor had printed huge sums of money against the laws of Zambia which he gave to a known associate, an action tantamount to abuse of office.

The decision to take Sampa to court by Mr Mvunga through his counsel Dicskon Jere comes after Sampa neglected to apologise and retract the false Facebook post in full after the former BOZ Governor asked him to do so through his lawyers.
Mr Mvunga has now laid six (6 claims) against Sampa in the high Court as follows:

1. Damages in the sum K100 million or to be further assessed

2. An injunction restraining Sampa from further mentioning him in any of his postings

3. A public apology and total retraction of the allegations Sampa made against the former BOZ Governor
4. Cost for incidental to the court action

5. Any other relief as the High Court may deem fit

The alleged libellous story was published on 29th January 2024 by Sampa on his Facebook page with the title, “Former Bank Governor Ordered Withdraw of Cash Given to Faith Musonda.”

The full details of the High Court action Sampa should appear and answer in person in court are contained in the official court papers below attached:

Sampa has responded that he will defend his lies in court.

“Comes with the territory & we equal to the task. Counter Opportunity to conduct a life style audit on him. We have assembled competent lawyers & we will meet in court.”



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