Dr. Fred M'membe
Dr. Fred M'membe


Authored By Mupishi Jones

Fred M’Membe is saying;
“As a party, we have made enough consultations over the name Barotseland with people from this region. All the people we have consulted want to revert back to the name Barotseland.On day one or two of the Socialist Party government, a statutory instrument will be signed to restore the name Barotseland”

We are saying.
Barotseland was an area covering 252,386 km2,it was a region between Namibia, Angola, Botswana, and Zimbabwe including half of North-Western and Southern provinces of Zambia and the whole of Katanga Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
In Zambia, there are tribes like the Nkoya speaking people whose capital is Kaoma.The official name was changed from Mankoyaland to Kaoma by Dr Kenneth Kaunda in 1964.The name Nkoya came from the first Zambian ethnic group to settle in the region around 6th century.

Our Question to Fred M’Membe is
Has Fred M’membe consulted all these people who are occupying the former Barotseland today and they have told him that they are all agreeable to revert back to the name Barotseland?

Another question to Fred M’Membe,
Did the people he consulted told him that what they only want is just the change of name from Western Province to Barotseland and nothing more than that?

I want to assure Mr M’Membe that a comprehensive poniard of truth response is coming to pierce his bloated bladder of lies over this Barotseland issue he has started ,
I submit,

Mupishi Jones


  1. I also doubt that the Socialist Party has the capacity to carry out consultations Mr. Mmembe claims to have made, given the magnitude of such an undertaking.

  2. I also doubt that the Socialist Party has the capacity to carry out consultations Mr. Mmembe claims to have made, given the magnitude of such an undertaking.

  3. Who is Mr F. M’membe. As little as I was told by himself, M’membe in his short introductin to Zambia, he hails from the Northern and Western Provinces. He is actually a Totela man from Western Province. So, could he be telling lies on this SUBJECT?? I doubt that. Mupishi Jones, I am sure you are wrong on this particular issue Sir. I am not a Socialist Party member but I am sure Mr M’membe is telling the truth on this one.

  4. Who is Mr F. M’membe. As little as I was told by himself, M’membe in his short introductin to Zambia, he hails from the Northern and Western Provinces. He is actually a Totela man from Western Province. So, could he be telling lies on this SUBJECT?? I doubt that. Mupishi Jones, I am sure you are wrong on this particular issue Sir. I am not a Socialist Party member but I am sure Mr M’membe is telling the truth on this one.

  5. When was the last time Mmembe said the truth. I don’t think even he can remember!! So this article is pointless because Mmembe doesn’t even know what the truth is! He is the epitome of lies, next to the father of lies identified by Jesus.

  6. When was the last time Mmembe said the truth. I don’t think even he can remember!! So this article is pointless because Mmembe doesn’t even know what the truth is! He is the epitome of lies, next to the father of lies identified by Jesus.


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