By ZR Reporter

Former president Edgar Lungu says has asked Zambians to give him a second chance to make things better for Zambia.

Meanwhile, the former president has admitted that caderism led to the Patriotic Front’s loss in the 2021 election.

Speaking when he and other United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) members addressed the media today, the former head of state said if Zambians give him a chance to work with the United Kwacha Alliance, things will be better.

“So, give me a chance to work with this team, and I can assure you that it’ll be better. Beyond that I cannot promise anything more, but I can assure you that all these people you see here mean well. And if I was to come back at the helm or as a member of the new team, I can always remind my friends that this is how we lost it,” Lungu said.

“And I think I can even go further and tell you that the majority of the people who have inspired me to think of coming back are those that worked with UPND and supported HH. They are telling me that we told him not to do this but look at him now, he is doing it. And I told them that power there is very tempting mwana.”

And Lungu said he will have to learn from people who criticized him when he served as Republican President.

“I am not incorrigible. This simply means that I can be corrected. And for me, this new team you see in UKA is an opportunity to correct the wrongs that happened under my watch when I was President,” he said.

“I will have to learn from those who were criticizing us and also I will have a chance to tell them, those who believe that this is where we went wrong as PF. So I have the benefit of the old and the new. So, I can tell you that the issue of caderism is one of the items identified as needing immediate attention in the new government from 2026, onwards. And I think I will stand there and say you cannot do this because this is what brought PF down.”

He added that “so, you really need to be alert all the times… and I for one I can tell you I know what brought us down. Apart from caderism, some of these things were happening because I thought everyone was with us on the same page in terms of influencing and effecting policy. But not all. But this time around, we will do better, unless you want more experiments guys.”


  1. Not only cadrism you ligalized but also tribalism, favoritism, police brutality, gassing, land grabbing, thuggerism, nepotism and corruption and away from that PF government killed nsama nsama, kasongo, Kaunda, matapa, menyani, Lawrence, Mugala, vasper and mapezi criminals you are not going to be near the corridor of power we are just waiting for you to start printing t-shirts and other stuff then the ruling will be passed on legibility of meno meno watch the space.

  2. There’s saying that you can’t solve a problem at the same level it was created a, so expecting the former president ECL to do better is like expecting water to come out of a rock. Surely don’t we have people out of the over 20 million population who came serve the country as president that we have to even think of bringing back someone who has done his part? What new ideas will does he have which he didn’t have when he was president for 7 years?

  3. The worst cadres in every Zambian government have been the Zambia POLICE. The Zambia Army, Air Force and National Service personnel have always behaved well and professionally. DPP, DEC, ACC and Zambia police have been a disgrace. They have always allowed themselves to be used by the people in power. Why are these people afraid of prosecuting offenders while they are still in office?
    We must also go back to the Constitution as it was amended by THE PEOPLE of Zambia without the tinkering from Edgar Lungu who pretended that his eyes were closed.

    Zambians wanted a Cabinet that was separate from the Legislature, so that the Legislature and Judiciary can exercise independent oversight over the executive. Back benchers are afraid of attacking the executive because they are lurking for possible appointments. During elections, cabinet ministers can continue running government without being involved in campaigns. If there is a petition against the President elect, the Speaker takes over and continues with the cabinet, until the President elect is duly declared the winner.

    Please HH, give the Zambians THE Constitution that they have always wanted.

  4. You are too incompetent and an extremely weaker leader with no basic leadership skills. Do not be misled by the selfish individuals surrounding you.

  5. Sir, no one can believe you. You are humbled by cases following you, given a chance, you will make sure you get rid of all possible leaders. What plan do you have? You have in Mind putting your cadres in the background and sending them to sort out your opponents in their homes. You have already said it and we know how vengeful you are.
    You missed that opportunity to devource yourself from the sin of defrauding a widow, made it worse by soiling your hands with innocent blood, divided the country on tribal lines, embraced hardcore tribalists and mafias, smuggled illegalities using the presidential jet, and you have sent you disciples in the diaspora to hire assailants, to take over government by force, always wishing the country to be on fire!
    Sir, take your break and enjoy your spoils.
    You knew your Ministers and cadres were dealing, you always received your cut without question. Are you sure all that mess is not responsible for the numerous difficulties the country is going through?
    Please let go of Zambia, you don’t have the plight of Zambia at heart but saving your spoils. MAY GOD VISIT YOU!

  6. Ba Lungu, please, please, twapapata mwitutwala mukweshiwa (please Mr. Lungu, donot tempt us into committing an evil act). When you defrauded the widow of K36000, we forgave you and gave you a second chance by electing you President of the Republic of Zambia in 2015. How did you repay our trust and magnanimity? By rigging the 2016 elections and thereafter shredding the constitution and looting the treasury to the extent of leaving the country with a huge unsustainable debt which your friend, HH, is still struggling to tame.

    You enriched your family and cronies to the extent your wife could “entrust” US$400,000 to a niece for safekeeping. Furthermore, your entire family is appearing before the courts of law to account for their unexplained wealth and they have all pointed their fingers at you as the source of their wealth.

    You say cadreism was your ruin. No! Corruption was the driving force for the violence, lawlessness, arrogance and cadreism. This is what you must confess first. Greed was your ruin and you are still greedy and want to get back into power to preserve your ill-gotten wealth. It is greed which made you steal from the widow and it is greed which made you steal from our national treasury and it is greed which will make you ruin Zambia thoroughly if given a third chance.

    To fellow Zambians l give a solemn warning. Let us keep Mr. Lungu far away from the corridors of power. God delivered us from his despotic hold on power. It would be foolish to take God’s grace and mercy for granted and give Mr. Lungu another go at the helm of our beloved country Zambia.

    His friend, HH is trying his best to correct the immense damage Mr. Lungu wreaked on our nation. Akabwelelo kalalya. Mr. Lungu’s philosophy is “Uubomba mwibala alya mwibala” and he still believes in that.

  7. There is absolutely no sign that ECL has changed and is about to change.

    It would be suicidal to entrust him with the instruments of power for a third time.

    Besides, Zambian is not short of people who can become President.

  8. Zambia is not short of good and better leaders!
    ECL, you had your chance!
    Let others have their turn!
    We are over 20 million of us Zambians on the queue!
    I honestly feel Zambia needs a Female president!
    We have had enough of He-goats!
    All those who have clocked 35 years of age, let’s have more of you ladies go for political office!
    The presidency is not the prerogative of the male species! It’s not the prerogative of ECL and HH!
    All ba ECL want is to save his loot using political power!
    It would be nice to retire HH and ECL in 2026!
    We have many accomplished ladies in Zambia we can elect to the presidency!
    Ladies and Youths, don’t just escort ba He-goat!
    2026 is yours!
    Stand out and be counted!

    • And that Lady president is your own sister or mother tate? Or you yourself ll manufacture one? Cos there isn’t any at the moment in showing interest in becoming one. Saboi is busy talking of walking naked to state house & ghosts bonking her, Nawakwi came a long way but sold out to Lungu. Chishala Kateka , I don’t know what that dinour stands for, let alone that she too joined UKA. Literally all women on the scene are on the Lungu camp and that’s the camp that’s not going anywhere.Also , women can’t jst ride on an already formed political party, they need to start their own from scratch and let them build confidence in the electrolates on the way up, and not always take over men’s party. So keep on day dreaming mwana

  9. No sane Zambian would want to have Lungu part 2 after going through the hell of Lungu part 1. With those threats he issued in Sanfya, we can’t make that mistake again. Moreover the UKA team also does not give any confidence and inspiration to Zambians.

  10. The only creature I have seen that has gone back to their vomit is a dog.
    One thing for sure is that I am not a dog.
    Especially that you have told the whole world that you want to come back because you want to “redeem” what has been taken away from your family.
    Being a Mr. Bill 10, I know those motives have not died and you will go at length to become a “muyayaya” president.
    So, it’s a NO for me, sir.
    Try Mozambique where you hail from

  11. Adada you’re not a presidential material, before and after you became President. Robert Chabinga is even far much better than yourself. You can’t win the presidential general elections, you’have got no leadership qualities. And that’s why you’re begging to become the president again. You can’t lose by that huge difference, but do you even think more about the way you lost.
    Next two years from now before, 2026 general elections, you be completely worm out or outdated.

    Robert Chabinga is far much better than yours

  12. You want a second chance okay I can you that but first the People of Zambia needs to eff you up and beat you in the street of Lusaka. Publicly declare how much of our money you have stolen….then and only then will you be given a chance.
    Until then you can feck off, you ba5terd

  13. The abusive ex wants a “baby come back”. ??????

    It can’t never. Fake apology rejected with vehemence and extreme prejudice.

    So you can steal again? Gerrrout

    • Is there even any apology in this statement.
      There is just remorse. And all he is trying to do is save his behind from landing in Prison.
      Two cars are just the many ills there are opening up how this man abused his office.
      And the PF clique think Zambians are fools.
      Well…the comments are just a tip of the iceberg

  14. I think age has also betrayed you your excellence.If you could allow bad behaviour when you were younger how about now that you are a Sinior citizen I think you will be inundated and more pressure.Just allow Hichilema to drive us through smoothly.He is very capable so far so good with HH.And now that drought is winding up we are optimistic things will be fine.HH was disturbed by nature or bad weather not human beings or certain temptations.Climate change can derail plans so we accept.Give HH time to fulfill his promises well.

  15. He is unrepentant. In Samfya, he laid down a retribution strategy against civil servants if he is given a second bite to leadership. Didn’t he threaten judges if they went Kenya way?


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